Saturday, September 19, 2009

reddragonfly workshop

Soul Collage
Exploring extreme self-care through SoulCollage®
Monthly SoulCollage workshop meets to collage in community for inspiration, joy and clarity. Join us at anytime and bring a friend.

Date: Sunday, June 7, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11 2009
Time: 10:30 - 12:30pm
Cost: $35/person per session
Location: A Work of Heart, San Jose, CA 95125

Extreme Self Care means making choices that honor our well being everyday. It means telling the truth to ourselves so we can express our needs more authentically to the people in our lives. We begin to make choices from a place of love, expression and generosity. We become more open and available to people in our lives. At some point caring for others is just a natural expression of our own state of being and not a burden or an obligation. Suddenly, we begin to experience that we are all connected and that our actions impact each other.

The ultimate goal of practicing extreme self care is to empower you to design your life in such a way that leaves you...

living and working in an environment that nurtures you
surrounded by beauty
spending as much time as you need in nature
participating in activities that allow you to express yourself
or your creativity.
eating well, moving your body, and being in silence as
often as you need.
surrounded by people who have integrity, are attentive and supportive
of you, committed to improving the quality of their lives.
Your needs are a priority to you and honored by those around you.
This SoulCollage session is about getting connected to your emotional truth so you can express it to another and get the things you need. OR if you are someone who is connected to your truth then this can support you in supporting others.

See a gallery of SoulCollage Cards

What is SoulCollage®
"SoulCollage® is a process through which you contact your intuition and create an incredible deck of cards which have deep personal meaning and which will help you with life's questions.

Following the simple SoulCollage directions, your hands move fragments of cut-out magazine pictures around, fitting them together in a surprising new way and gluing them down on a card. Cards containing the images you select --- or the images that select you --- come straight through your Soul, bypassing the mind.

This is a multi-leveled, creative process which anyone can do. All you need is a good pair of scissors, pre-cut mat board cards, and images you can cut out from magazines, greeting cards, personal photos, postcards, catalogues, and calendars. It is wonderful to have other people with whom to share the process." ~

Who should attend?
This class is designed for those who would like to explore the aspects of thier personality that craves pleasure, nuturing and fun. This is a great class for "chronic givers" who want to bring thier giving into balance. All are welcome to play.

What should you bring?

Magazines to Share (optional)
Magazines will be provided for you to rip and tear. If you would like to bring magazines to share, please do!

1 comment:

  1. Searched the web today and found you mentioned my class a year ago. Thank you (Sorry it's a year late). We are planning our class schedule for next year at a retreat this weekend. I'll be sure to include a Soul Collage class on the calendar for 2011. Keep the inspiration going. ~ Julie
