Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soul Collage

Laura Bolster writes about her experience with SoulCollage, after taking a class taught by Suzie Wolfer. She says "The process, a rather magical one, connected deeply with my intuition."

SoulCollage® created by Seena Frost is an inward exploration seeking personal wisdom. Bolster writes "While some go to church seeking wisdom and some go to nature, with soul collage, you go to your studio." She says "You might start the process by asking yourself a question seeking direction, wisdom, or insight, such as “Who is the one within myself that creates a daily life and routine that I love, feel vital in, and grateful for?” As an artist you often create your own structures, your own routines, and your own deadlines. No institution, boss, or schedule necessarily carves out your daily routines. It’s a question which continues to beg an answer in my life.

After the collage was finished, Bolster studied it and reflected in her journal: "I am the one who smiles at the simple beauties and the one who finds marvelous curves in the calla lily folds. I am the one who loves the riches of burnt crimson and the intricately woven Japanese tapestries. I am also the one who recognizes that the slow, methodical, and steady pace of the tortoise is wise and the one who accomplishes the race. I am the one who remembers to peer out the window gazing at the falling orange leaves and who cups her hands in a graceful gesture to accept the world’s many and abundant gifts. I am the one who has deep and abiding wisdom and whose eyes are piercing."

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