Monday, April 6, 2009

Cecil Touchon collages

Cecil Touchon just created a collection of small paper collages... here
...he writes: they are all old papers found in antique malls and flea markets in Paris, Mexico City, Fort Worth, New York, etc. All of the markings on the papers are almost exclusively 'as is' on the paper. I might shade them a little but that is about all. I don't stain them or draw on them, they are all ready-made papers. They range in age from maybe 1875 to about 1940. They include children's school books, sheet music, bookkeeping journals, Mexican documents, magazine pages found in scrapbooks, stamps, old envelopes and correspondence, book spines, etc. I often dismantle the books and use all of the parts one way or another. I have thousands upon thousands of these kinds of things sitting in reserve that I have collected over the last 30 years. More than I can use in my lifetime (assuming I live 30+ more years) So far I have made about 3,000 collages over the last 25 years.

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